My Pokemon heartgold loss.....

by belieber

belieber read this!!!!!!!!!!! it is a true story......
One day I woke up and played on my ds and went on Pokémon Heart gold... after a while I changed my game (but I can't remember what it was called). So I played that for a while and when my step mum woke me up, I looked everywhere around my room, but I couldn't find. So I sat on my bed and said to myself " I wished I had kept it where I would find it"
So that day I went home and said to my mum "sorry but I have lost my game at my dads".

That was probably the worst day of my life... Thanks for reading..
  1. belieber
    I lost it in my bedroom cupboard... that is where I can remember where I put it.
    Sep 21, 2015
  2. nightcore^_^X3
    it's awesome
    Apr 14, 2015
  3. belieber
    i looked all over the place.
    Mar 25, 2015
  4. Rio1ink
    Well I lost both my DS, and my copy of Pokémon Pearl(That day sucked)
    Mar 24, 2015
  5. FlareonFireStone
    I had that feeling once with my Animal Paradise and Pokémon Mysteries: Gates to infinity.
    Mar 4, 2015
  6. Pikachucat
    me all the time ;_;
    Mar 3, 2015