my newest computer art

by ᵀ⁰ˣ¹ᵀᴿᴵᶜ³ᵀʸ

by Jesse.png
ᵀ⁰ˣ¹ᵀᴿᴵᶜ³ᵀʸ I am going to draw this Pokemon a lot in my art
=Nightshade= likes this.
  1. ᵀ⁰ˣ¹ᵀᴿᴵᶜ³ᵀʸ
    i use a track pad but i draw outline of pokemon and then i mostly bucket and fix it with marker
    Apr 9, 2020
  2. =Nightshade=
    Nice! The only computer art I do is pixel art; I don’t have a mouse, and drawing with a trackpad is a pain in the buttinsky. But this is great!
    Apr 9, 2020