my Mother 3 rant! (No spoilers...)

by MorganFae

MorganFae Yes I realize that the textbook definition of a rant means talking bad about it but I have so much to say I just can't hold it I rant on.....
Believe it or not.....I love JRPG's.....if you've known me long enough...or at all really you know that I'm very VERY impatient.....and among all of the constant grinding, customization of characters and a lot of story JRPG's would normally not appeal to me....but damn of they haven't persona,Earthbound,demikids (although slightly linked to persona),Pokemon black and white,Mario RPG,and of course Mother 3....what do the bolds have in common...well....that's for you to talk about in the comments.....what I'm getting at is.....Japan makes a lot of good ass games....and those are just a few of my favorite.....but we are here for one game....that's mother to explain why I like it...I should of course explain the story....if I wanted to ruin if you haven't already please...I urge you to check out the free English translation for those who can't read Japanese.....with that out of the way....ill give a spoiler free summery of the beginning....basically the game takes place on a small island called "nowhere island" in the beginning Lucas a small timid child go outside to play with a family of "Dracos"....after a while they head back to the village...a fire than breaks out in the forest to the north....a group calling themselves the pigmasks are behind it...they are very important later....that's about all I can say without ruining the whole experience....yes....experience....this is more than a's a ride I never wanna get off as for the sound track I love it.....that all I can say...the mother series has always had good music...and the gba limitations didn't stop that....such great music just mmmm.....yeah....the game play is great it handles like a normal JRPG well besides random encounters....the enemies are actually always on screen in the over world (which is amazingly well designed...) just as in earth for the battle system it's got the rolling text for a health bar and the PSI abilities from earthbound...with one little twist...if you press A at the right can line up combos for even more damage....nor for the I said...there is Lucas the mostly silent shy main protagonist although you actually don't play him that often his hard headed brother claus....the mother hinomizwa...(man I bet I butchered that...and got a bit mixed with higurashi...but meh...I digress...)...a monkey, a tomboy princess...the list goes on...each one of both the main cast and the NPC's have thier own quirky fun personality....I should probably stop talking due to the length but before I end....I will say this....this is one of the..if not THE best games I've ever played...and I hope you will enjoy it sometime in the future...thank you and goodbye....
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