my fnaf oc peppy the penguin (aka my ms paint abomanation)

by MorganFae

peppy the pingouun.png
MorganFae i tried to make a fnaf animatronic in ms paint but ultametly failed
  1. Leeon
    Hey that's okay @SharkByte . All my kids were into Fnaf so I liked it for a second. They taught me about it and I watched them play it. But I'd be scared of Peppy if I played the game.
    Jan 14, 2019
    SharkByte likes this.
  2. MorganFae
    Honestly its scarer than anything IN fnaf XD not a jumpscare guy myself....doesnt really get me that much....just was riding thw bandwagan when i made this XD @Leeon
    Jan 14, 2019
    Leeon likes this.
  3. Leeon
    It looks scary enough for Fnaf.
    Jan 14, 2019