I Got Bored :/: My Favorite Mario Character

by DopeLeafeon470

Is anybody bothered by the fact that Rabbid Mario is smoking?
So ever since I've made my Favorite Sonic Character work, I thought about my favorite Mario one.
Which is funny, because he has the exact same role as Metal Sonic.
That's right.
It's Bowser Jr.
This is probably a popular opinion, but he's got quite the personality.
Bowser and his son are just the cutest thing ever.
They both pretend that they're both just tools to be more evil to each other, but in some of the games, they share some sad moments.
The end of Super Mario Sunshine.
The end of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.
And my all-time favorite moment with him is in the worst Mario RPG ever, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam.
Or at least that's what people call it.
With Paper Luigi just as an easter egg, I might not like it AS much.
But the moments that Bowser Jr. and Paper Bowser Jr. share are sometimes funny. If I ever see my paper counterpart, I'm gonna be super awesome to it. Which means it'll be awesome back to me. The ultimate combo. (foreshadowing)
Plus, Bowser Jr. has a paintbrush.
Which is awesome, I love using paintbrushes as weapons.
My FNAF OC has one.
And he mainly goes inside his Clown Car, being the laziest thing ever.
My spirit turtle.
And he's pretty much Zelda: Majora's Mask...but with only one mask.
He can turn into Shadow Mario.
One day, I'll buy a hat that has Jr.'s logo on it.
To be honest, I'd rather have Metal Sonic's, I just like him that much...
but if it existed, I'd get it.
Fo sho.
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