Shitty Fusions: Mushucario

by Grand Master Koop

Grand Master Koop I have some shitty old fusion sprites I made a long time ago so I thought I might as well post them here

Here's a Murkrow, Shuckle and Lucario fusion
E.K.A.N.S., JayBird Joe, T.C. and 3 others like this.
  1. E.K.A.N.S.
    That's a big bush but the shaft is tiny and yellow
    Dec 8, 2019
    Grand Master Koop likes this.
  2. luizao
    Como voce fez essas sprites
    Mar 3, 2019
  3. Jodie.xox
    It is a majestic beast
    Mar 3, 2019
    Grand Master Koop likes this.