Missing: Missing Part 4

by TheAverageCharmeleon

TheAverageCharmeleon Missing chapter 4
Just as I was getting used to pedaling, a pokemon jumped out. It was dark enough to make it impossible to see. I sent out eevee anyways. I commanded him to use quick attack. I threw a pokeball. There was enough light to make out a shadow fall to the ground as the pokeball absorbed it. After the pokeball stopped shaking, I picked it up. I took out my pokedex to see what I had just caught. My pokedex read, Nidoran. Tears stung my eyes. I could have given this pokemon to Johnathan. It could have kept him safe. I returned eevee. I put both pokeballs into my backpack and continued pedaling.

I was so glad I was able to spend the night at the pokemon center. During the last hour, it had poured gallons of water onto my head. Everything I owned was soaked. I was currently drying everything out with a hairdryer Nurse Joy had let me borrow. There were other kids my age. There was a mysterious girl who sat in the corner of the room. She watched me. She watched me dry everything out. She watched me for a whole hour. Finally, she stood up and spoke.
"Your the girl with the missing brother aren't you." I nodded my head. I sighed. I had used the telephone to call my parents. There was still no word on Johnathan. The girl studied me. She released a pikachu. The pikachu scrambled up onto her shoulder. The girl began to speak again.
" I had just gotten my pikachu when I saw you zooming down the street on your bike. I decided to walk to your house to see if you wanted to battle or something like that when I heard you scream. I sprinted to your house but the police were already there. They told me to go home and not worry. My dad is one of the detectives working on the case, but he is losing hope. I decided to try and look for him myself. So I left. It got late so that's why I am here now." Now it was my turn to study the girl.

To be continued...