Mew Painting

by DemonMew

Mew Painting.jpg
DemonMew I drew this the other day, but only recently been able to paint it :3 I am so proud of how the background turned out and I haven't been proud of my drawings since I drew Psychic Space Kitty (an other Mew drawing). I guess this Mew is kind of my Poke-persona lol. :D
I based this painting on the Mew Pokemon card that came out in 2016 but added my own twist to it, I may even make this into a card! Let me know what you all think, I am quite new to using water colour paints so I would like plenty of advice on how to get the best results with it in the future :3
Leeon, E.K.A.N.S., ~Rinko~ and 13 others like this.
  1. DemonMew
    Tehehe, thanks guys!! :D and yep we still live :3

    Apr 11, 2018
    UmbreonEevee and BlueMew392 like this.
  2. BlueMew392
    *gasps and squeals* My race lives on!!!
    Apr 11, 2018
  3. UmbreonEevee
    Hey, @BlueMew392, don’t you think it looks cool? I tagged you because of your name...
    Apr 11, 2018
    DemonMew and BlueMew392 like this.