Melody 3.0

by Melody~Chan

Melody 3.0 .png
Melody~Chan I feel this one is the best, tell me what you think!
Loyaldis, qlovers and RenzFlintrock like this.
  1. Melody~Chan
    Aug 3, 2019
    qlovers likes this.
  2. qlovers
    I agree with you, I really like this one. There still is room for improvement, though. For example, I can kind of see that you shaded her in, which is great, but... the shading is a little too light. Maybe if you used a slightly brighter colour for shading it would've been noticeable? I also feel like her legs look thinner from the top.. that's not really how legs are supposed to look like. ^^' I'm not hating on you, I'm just criticising.
    Aug 3, 2019
    RenzFlintrock likes this.