Me as a Pokemon Trainer

by YourLittleSylvia

YourLittleSylvia I know I'm pretty much already doing this, but I might as well! I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and I figured I'd share it with you guys! Besides, I got tagged!
So I was tagged by @ZiruDeathLord. Now I'm going to be doing this challenge! Bear with me, because I've got a WHOLE lot planned out for this.

Okay, so my real name isn't Sylvia, but I use it as my online alias and as the base for most of my OCs. My full name as a self-insert Pokemon Trainer is Sylvia Reviar. My first ever Pokemon game was Pokemon Diamond (coincidentally I'm playing it right now--I just hatched a Chimchar whose Egg I got in like, 2011. You can tell how much I love this game XD. But to be fair, it's on a single game card that holds like, 39 other games, and my older sibling had it for a while, so I can't take any blame for that. Anyway...). Since Pokemon Diamond was the first ever game I played (and Pokemon Pearl was the first game my older sibling, Kai has ever played), I decided that my starting region would be Sinnoh. I actually know that the second game I played was HeartGold, and that SoulSilver was the first game my little sister, Alex, has ever played, but I'm not a huge fan of Johto (no offense). Nothing against it, it just feels a little bit bland to me. But that's my opinion, I'm not trying to hate on anyone or anything.

Anyway, I have my region figured out. Now for the town. Now, my character Sylvia has always been living in Snowpoint City, and as much as I like the city, I feel like I should take some time to appreciate the other towns. Twinleaf Town is where we start, and originally, that was going to be my home. But then I thought that everyone would want that as a home if they lived in Sinnoh, since that's where all characters start out. So I immediately jumped to Snowpoint City. I always loved ice puzzles, Ice-type Pokemon (they're in my top favorites), not to mention that my little sister is an ice skater and it'd be perfect to have her as a Gym Leader there should Candice be replaced, and overall, I liked the idea and the creative (albeit tedious) idea of the snow piling up in Snowpoint City since it's located behind the big mountain that splits the region, Mt. Coronet. However, I'd like to look at the other towns to see if this is truly where I want to live. So let's look at the order in which we visit the cities. Prepare for a LOOOONG reading session. Unless you skip it, which is totally fine.

First up is Jubilife City. It's a big place, filled with technology, as is seen with the TV company, Jubilife TV, and the Poketch Company. However, in my opinion it seems a bit bland, so I don't want to live there.

Waaaaaait a second! I totally skipped past Sandgem Town! Sandgem Town is where Professor Rowan lives. He's one of--no, he IS my favorite Pokemon Professor, as he doesn't just study one field of Pokemon like most of the others. He's open to all sorts of Pokemon information! He's my kinda guy! The town is small and quaint, the kind of small town where all the townsfolk know each other, and it seems like a very homely place. Not to mention Lucas lives there! And I'll be totally honest, when I was younger, I had a total crush on Lucas, so my character has also had a crush on Lucas. Unfortunately, the simple fact that it's super-close to Twinleaf Town drives me away from it. I'm not entirely sure if I want to live here, but I'll put a maybe marker on it, just because I might rule out a lot of other towns.

Anyway, on to Oreburgh City. Now, there's a lot of interesting stuff here, but none of the interesting stuff interests me. The biggest aspect of this place is that it's based around mining for coal, and honestly, who would want to inhale all that with the mines working 24/7? I'm someone who gets scared away easily by sudden loud noises, so I'm not planning on living in Oreburgh City anytime soon. What I am interested in is the Fossil Exhibit. However, despite the Gym and the Fossil Exhibit being there, I'm just not interested in living there. It's an unflattering place and I feel like if I lived there in real life, I'd cry on the first day in because of all the sudden noises. Not to mention the caves being dark and scary. Imagine little children wandering in there during coal mining! That's dangerous stuff, guys! No Oreburgh City, thank you very much.

Next there's Floaroma Town. It's a nice, quaint, small place with lots of flowers, this much is true. Heck, it's beautiful! And it's all combined with nature in order to blossom some of the most fruitful Berries of all time! However... that's just it. That's all there is to Floaroma Town. Flowers and Berries. I don't feel like there's much personality to it, and as beautiful and wonderful it'd be to visit it, I just don't feel like I'd be very comfortable living there constantly. I'd want to leave after like, three days or something. So no to Floaroma Town.

After then there's Eterna City. Like the name suggests, it's home to 'eternal' history. It's got the big idea of the Sinnoh lore behind it (not as much as Celestic Town, though) and it's a beautiful place, truly, but... You have the forest and the haunted mansion behind it, you've got the entrance to Mt. Coronet, the Gym, and Team Galactic. Some others might want to live here, and even if it has a lot of places to visit, it's nice at first, but later you just get bored of it (though, I suppose you do get bored of every town if you live in it long enough). I'm not a huge fan of that.

Next is Hearthome City. This seems like a more enjoyable place to live, among others. It's got a Contest Hall (which, I love to show off my Pokemon--although my character's little sister has always rivaled and beat my character when it comes to actual Contests. There are times when both sisters get to the top, but every time, Alex defeats Sylvia out of pure style points.), the Poffin House (my character might not be the best human cook, but she makes some mean Poffins), Amity Park (my character has always had a knack for befriending Pokemon), and even a Gym with a Ghost-type Gym Leader who loves Contests even more than she does! I feel like I could make a lot of friends if I lived here, as well as being able to find ways to make the city even better. This town also gets a maybe marker.

Next, I think, is Solaceon Town, right? Well, aside from the Day Care and the Unown Ruins, I don't think there's much of anything of interest there. Of course, I could take into consideration the mysterious tower nearby, but really, who would want to go investigating it? In my opinion, Solaceon Town is boring, so this one receives a big, fat NO. However, that doesn't mean I don't like it. I just don't think I'd like living there.

After that is Veilstone City. Veilstone City is okay, since it has the Game Corner and the Gym, but there's really nothing else to do there. Aside from the Galactic Headquarters, which I'm pretty sure as a resident in Veilstone City, I'd try to avoid. So Veilstone City also receives a no.

After that, I think, is Pastoria City. Pastoria City is located near the Safari Zone and is in a kind of swamp-like marsh-y area that's right next to the beach. While the colors look great in the game, I don't think that it's really the ideal place to live. Not to mention Crasher Wake is probably the craziest Water-type Gym Leader there is, and frankly, I'm not the biggest fan of his. Besides, aside from the Safari Zone and the Gym, there's not much to do. This also gets a no.

So just a recount: So far, we have Hearthome City or Sandgem Town. Let's see what else there is in Sinnoh.

I'm gonna skip over to Canalave City, a port city with a library, a Gym, and a dock that lets you travel to several different islands, the most notable of which being Iron Island (seeing as that's the only place I've ever been to because any DLC that was available for Diamond and Pearl was long gone by the time I got into Pokemon when I was seven). Iron Island is pretty cool for training, and the library is a great place to be when it comes to researching. And normally, I'm not one for research, but Pokemon is the one thing I'd be willing to spend my entire life working on. So I think Canalave City would be a great fit for me mostly because I love water and because of the library. This one also gets a maybe marker.

Switch to Celestic Town, a place with lots of lore and legend, and I'm starting to see just how much there is to Sinnoh compared to a lot of other regions. It's a fantastic place to go exploring, but the thick fog that surrounds the town can be difficult to get through if you don't have a Pokemon with Defog on you. And I don't like the move Defog--nor does anyone else, I don't think, especially since it's pretty useless in Gen 4, so I'm not too sure about Celestic Town, but it has such a respectable history and so much lore hidden inside that I would definitely come here to visit very often. Unfortunately, I wouldn't live here, but I'd love to spend a year or two here simply studying.

Next, finally, is Snowpoint City, the northernmost area of Sinnoh, which is right by Lake Acuity, which houses Uxie, the Being of Knowledge. Kinda fitting, since I seem to love Pokemon knowledge, huh? Now, I've already listed the positives I see in this place, but let me say the negatives. Frostbite would be something that's pretty common, wouldn't it? And if there's so much frostbite, how is one supposed to live peacefully? I figured we'd already have winter clothes, but I've made it clear in my other RPs as Sylvia Reviar that this would be very inconvenient for traveling Sinnoh, since I'd have to wear my warm clothing in Snowpoint City, but then lug it around all throughout the region, only to have to put it on once again when visiting for the Pokemon Gym, and then take it off YET AGAIN to finish my adventure through Sinnoh. It's not ideal, I know. In fact, it's not even favored. But I think it'd be worth it to see the world. I think Snowpoint City is one of my favorite cities, even if it's snow-covered, slow, and probably difficult to live in. My first ever Pokemon was Piplup, which I'm pretty sure was pretty much made for colder climates like Snowpoint City. I like this town. It receives a maybe marker as well.

Finally, we have the last town--yes, last. I'm not going over the Pokemon League, Iron Island, or the Fight, Survival, or Resort Areas. Those aren't technically places one could live in, they're just common visiting places for Trainers and their Pokemon. Anyway, last is Sunyshore City. I feel like this town is upbeat, cheery, and definitely a place where I'd fit in quite nicely. It's always sunny, it's solar-powered and high-tech, and it's near the ocean. With the technology, I could look up all sorts of ways to study Pokemon. Not to mention I could also study them in person, since I'm surrounded by Pokemon in the land near Lake Valor and with the ocean. There's also plenty of Trainers who visit the Electric-type Gym, the strongest in all the land, and some of those Trainers might even come from different regions, so that gives me plenty of opportunities to study those unique Pokemon I've never seen before. It's a fun, energetic place, with even a great theme song! I love it! Maybe marker for this, too!


So we have Sandgem Town, Hearthome City, Canalave City, Snowpoint City, and Sunyshore City. Looking over these, there's plenty of goods and bads. I'm going to start by ruling out Canalave City. Aside from the library, there isn't much to do, and sometimes the library can get boring. Sandgem Town, I'm actually quite fond of, and I'm not sure if I should rule it out or not. It might be near Twinleaf Town, but that's totally okay. It doesn't have to be far away from Twinleaf Town to be a good place to live. It's just fine. Besides, it has water near it, just the way I like it. And even if it gets a little bit repetitive, that's why I'm going on a journey. Snowpoint City is covered in snow, and as much as I praised it before, it's kinda nothing BUT snow, so surprisingly, I might just have to rule it out, despite it being one of my favorite towns. That leaves Sandgem Town, Hearthome City, and Sunyshore City. Now, I can't decide between these three. They're tied for me because they're all unique and beautiful, so I want you guys to decide where I live out of those three. Whichever gets the most votes is where I'll end up living, given you can prove to me that I should.

Now, let's decide as to what I'll do as a Trainer. At first, I wanted to be a Pokemon Champion, but as I do with all my stories, I insert my family, including my siblings. My older sibling Kai is the strongest out of the three of us (I'm the middle child and they're the oldest, so it makes sense). So I thought Kai should be the Champion instead. That being said, I went to do the next-obvious choice: Pokemon Coordinator. However, my sister had already called dibs on that, and in my family, there's an unspoken rule that each one of us has to be different. We agreed it to be this way so that we'd all experience different things. Plus, we didn't want anyone copying anyone else.

We decided this when I was like, five, okay? Don't judge us!

Anyway, I thought for a long time, "If Kai's the Champion and Alex is the Top Coordinator, then what am I?"

And then Kai inspired me by constantly asking me for advice on Pokemon, since out of the three of us, I'm the one most active in the Pokemon community. That's how it hit me: I'll make it my character's goal to be a well-known Pokemon Professor who saves Pokemon and befriends them! I've always loved Professor Rowan's work and now I can really show how! By becoming the one thing that my idol could recognize me as: a researcher!

So that's what I've decided I'll do. I'll become a Pokemon Professor. How does Professor Sylvia sound to all of you guys?

Now, I have some Pokemon that I've kept close to my heart. First, there's my first-ever Pokemon, who's here with me as a newly-leveled-up Level 99 Empoleon, Pip.

That's right, his name's Pip. There's a funny story behind that, actually.

So Kai and my Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games are on the same cartridge somehow, right? So Kai's playing Pokemon Pearl first, since they found it before I did, and they showed it to me, since we had been collecting Pokemon cards beforehand, unsure of what Pokemon even was. They are to thank for me currently being obsessed with Pokemon. I've always loved Pokemon all my life and I will never give Pokemon up for the world. They can never be replaced.

Anyway, Kai was playing Pokemon Pearl when I was seven and I somehow convinced them to name their character--er, I don't want to give away my real name just yet, so how about this? Sylvia:):D. Yep. That's the legit name--except with my real name instead, since there was a seven-character limit. I couldn't stand the thought of the characters being empty.

Then I named their Turtwig, the first Pokemon THEY ever got, Tally:):D:):D. No joke. I was seven, okay? Don't judge me!

And then I totally forgot that this was Kai's game and they were pissed at me for doing that. So, in return, I let them name my character and my first Pokemon.

My Pokemon Diamond character was named Lizzie after a nickname Kai received before they came out as trans-non binary. And don't ANYONE dare to refer to them as female because that is the one time I will throw away my pacifist label and STRANGLE YOU.

*clears throat* Anyway, I was kinda angry that not all of the character spaces were used for my character. Which became even worse when I picked Piplup as my starter Pokemon and Kai simply named him Pip, leaving six spaces open. It bothered me so much.

Looking back, I've opened up my Diamond save file again, which I never touched after my first time beating the game (meaning I never deleted it and I still have the old thing) and I remember at some point I had caught SO MANY FREAKING BIDOOF, STARLY, and OTHER unnecessary Pokemon.

...then I released most of them except the strongest ones and the one level 6 Magikarp, because GUESS WHO KNOWS HOW TO POKEMON NOW.

Anyway, that was getting off topic. The point is, now I have a Level 99 Empoleon named Pip. I know my older sibling named my Pokemon, but I would never change it for the world. Not that I could, it's been traded to my little sister who was too lazy to finish grinding up and training HER Pokemon in her team when she played Platinum, her SECOND game ever.

I think this was meant as a start to the Pokemon I'd have on my team.

OH YEAH! Now I remember what I was talking about! Okay, so Pip is one of the Pokemon I hold close to my heart. Next is a Breloom from my dreams. Sounds weird, I know. But listen up.

One time, when I was still seven years old, I dreamt of a room hidden behind a painting leading to a Pokemon paradise. I saw several species of Pokemon huddled together, getting along and whatnot. One of those Pokemon was a Pikachu group. Now, when I was seven, I was snooty and spoiled. So I walked up to the Pikachu and tried to be friends with them, but it turns out, they were bully Pikachu, so they zapped me. But then I was saved by a Bullet Seed! I turned to see a Shroomish grinning up at me, but I didn't want to be friends with it. I wanted to be friends with a "cute" Pokemon, but I didn't want to hurt its feelings. So I slowly backed away and went to some other Pokemon groups. When everyone else rejected me, I sighed and turned to Shroomish, who had been following me all this time. He looked sad that I had ignored him before. "Do you want to be friends?" I asked Shroomish. No joke, I remember this. Shroomish beamed and cuddled up to me. Slowly, as we played games and battled together, I began to warm up to him, until at some point, a bell began to ring. It sounded like a church bell, I think, but I didn't know what that was at the time (I've only heard church bells for the first time in the summer), and I realized I was waking up and I had to go. So Shroomish waved goodbye (by bouncing repeatedly) while I jumped through the painting portal and woke up.

Then, five years later, when I was twelve years old, I dreamt of that same place again, and I was trying to be friends with the Pikachu gang again. It seemed like a deja vu moment, but I didn't really realize that until the leader, Raichu, the Pikachu from before, but evolved, attempted to zap or punch me--I don't remember which. But this time, I was saved by Breloom. I was confused at first, but when I examined him further, I realized this was the same Shroomish that I was friends with five years ago. Immediately, I gasped and hugged him. We were best friends. We played, battled, solved puzzles, and even did a little bit of parkour together.

However, my last memory with Breloom was while we were jumping on some floating platforms--it was a dream, don't judge!--when suddenly, the floor beneath us became lava. Breloom was behind me and we were trying to go as fast as we could before the rising lava could catch up to us--you could tell at the time, I was playing too much Mario--when a Charizard appeared out of nowhere. It started attacking us. We ran as fast as we could--I almost slipped, but Breloom got me in time--but then Charizard whirled around in front of me and opened its jaws into my face. I saw the fire welling up, but I couldn't do anything, I was paralyzed in fear. Suddenly, Breloom tossed me off the platform, knowing that I would wake up soon. The last thing I saw was Breloom getting engulfed by the Flamethrower that Charizard released before I woke up abruptly. You might think I'm stupid and sentimental for thinking this, but I believe Breloom is still alive and I'm hoping that I'll get to see him again soon. I need to know what happened to him.

One last Pokemon. Kyu, the Mimikyu from a RP I did over email with a friend--which will no longer continue because he doesn't feel up to RPing anymore, due to things happening in real life. Kyu is a Mimikyu who's timid, yet adorable. He holds a cute parasol my character made out of spare things in her bag called a 'sunbrella', which consisted of two toothpicks taped together as the handle and three straws supporting and taped to a paint rag with several different colors on it. He was a very smart Mimikyu who was beginning to learn human speech slowly, yet steadily. He was very powerful and was Sylvia's first ever Pokemon in Alola--save for Pip, who, as a character, has a disability preventing him from evolving, but giving him better physical capabilities than most Piplup because of it--and he was always there to protect her when she needed it. Over the course of this RP, Sylvia gained a fear of Nihilego--don't ask me why--and she began working toward the Pokemon League of Alola, despite truly hoping to become a Pokemon Professor.

So there you have it. Kyu, Pip, and Breloom--who I should probably name.

I'm hoping these three Pokemon will be in my team. But if they will be, then they need some others to join them.

I always have this standard for my Pokemon, in order to have a good typing for all of my Pokemon. I have one Water-type, one Grass-type, one Fire-type, one Electric-type (which is only necessary if you don't have a Grass-type, but in my opinion, even if you do, it's recommended anyway), one Flying-type (if you don't already have a Pokemon that can use Fly, since personally I don't like switching out to level 4 Starly for Fly, and frankly, I like the move even in battle), and one Fairy-type. It's okay if you have some of these Pokemon overlapping, such as a Water- and Fairy-type Pokemon or a Water- and Flying-type, or something. It's totally okay, because that leaves some room for personalization. For instance, I've always loved Dratini, so I could add that if I had two Pokemon types overlapped. Personally, this leads to better ways to counter other Pokemon types. You've already got a lot of coverage with this, so it helps for me.

Now, Pip is my Water-type, Breloom is my Grass-type, and Kyu is my Fairy-type. So I still need a Fire-type, a Flying-type, and an Electric-type. In Sinnoh, there aren't many Fire-type Pokemon, but of the ones there are, I've always been a fan of Magby, Magmar, and Magmortar especially. Magmortar is a big tank with lots of powerful Fire-type moves, and frankly, it's a beast! I love it!

As for Flying-type, I could go the generic way and say Staraptor, but I think something else is more fitting. For instance, I've always LOVED Drifblim and Drifloon, and I don't care if I have two Ghost-types, I just think those two are the cutest little things! Besides, I caught them at first in my original play-through of Diamond--although somehow, I think I let it go, for whatever reason--and frankly, I've always had an emotional connection with my Drifblim before. Hm, maybe I transferred it instead? I think I might've...? And I remember the name of my Drifblim before, it was Diana! But it was supposed to be pronounced (DEE-a-nuh), because LOGIC! Also because there was this girl in my school named Deanna whose name I thought was spelled Diana and I mistakenly named my Drifloon that. It was my best friend since. I didn't pay attention at the time to its Pokedex entry, but I know it now.

I'll be honest, that hasn't changed my opinion of it.

Anyway, Diana the Drifblim it is!

Next, there's the Electric-type. I've always used to go with Shinx as the classic Electric-type Pokemon, then I wanted to be cliche and go with Pichu for the sake of Pikachu. But now... I'm not sure. I love a lot of Electric-type Pokemon, but there aren't that many in Sinnoh, just like Fire-types. Obviously, there's not nearly as few as there are Fire-types in Sinnoh, but still quite few. The only other Sinnoh Electric-type Pokemon there is there would be Pachirisu, and that Pokemon doesn't evolve, nor does it have fantastic stats. We know this. So I've been thinking... Hey, a plain old Raichu is kinda bland. What if someone from Alola gave Sylvia a Pikachu, and then at some point, Sylvia evolved Pikachu, and since Pikachu still has that Alolan blood, it would evolve into a Raichu? I mean, it seems like something genetic. Besides, an Alolan Raichu is Electric- and Psychic-type, which would be much better for knocking out some other Pokemon.

So there's my team: Pip the Piplup, Kyu the Mimikyu, Breloom (still unnamed) the Breloom, Diana the Drifblim, Magmortar the Magmortar, and Alolan Raichu, who I also have to name.

Hey, give me some suggestions on Breloom, Magmortar, and Alolan Raichu's names! In the meantime, I would tag people, but I don't know that many people. Umm... how about... @The Delivery Pancham and @Avalios ?

Jeez, this was long. Just goes to show how much goes through my head when I'm challenged to do stuff like this!

Any more challenges, you guys? Well, let me tell you something.

Ariados twice, Ry_Burst and avae like this.
  1. YourLittleSylvia
    omg I will strangle you.
    Sep 8, 2017
  2. The Delivery Pancham
    The Delivery Pancham
    What was Kai born as?

    Sep 8, 2017
  3. avae
    Alright, I'll do it tomorrow.
    Sep 8, 2017
  4. YourLittleSylvia
    All you do is figure out where you'd live, what you'd do as a Trainer, and what Pokemon you would have on your team.

    I mean, I think. That's all I wrote. I mean, I still wrote a lot, but that's just 'cuz I naturally overanalyze things.
    Sep 8, 2017
  5. avae
    wait what am I supposed to do LOL
    Sep 8, 2017