Requests: Lucina And Palutena Sketch

by Ristopher

Ristopher This was requestes by @Tjtbunny and sorry it took so long I was a but busy. Also I know I messed up on some parts since its my first time drawing Lucina and Palutena. I hope you like it!
Mia098, BLOO Muffin, Kimaka and 4 others like this.
  1. Ristopher
    Really I have no idea....
    Jul 12, 2015
    MelodyEevee likes this.
  2. BLOO Muffin
    BLOO Muffin
    One question: HOW IS YOUR ART ALWAYS FIRST?!
    Jul 12, 2015
    Ristopher likes this.
  3. The Blue Blur
    The Blue Blur
    This is... AWESOME!
    Jul 11, 2015
    Ristopher likes this.