Living In A World Of Shadows

by NightRaven

NightRaven Well, I'm luckily able to color all the time now;
The drawing app I used got updated; now I can color without any sort of lag, edit photos, and add text! xD And now I actually have a signature.
Also, you may notice I have a new drawing style; I had actually managed to draw like this since this morning. I may also be able to make some drawings with shading! It seems art is getting even better for me as now I can actually draw normally without the whole app crashing.
I hope you enjoy this and many others that are going to come by sooner or later!

Also, I have a new frontal-view style; it may look strange, but after watching a few speedpaints and Warriors MAPs (Multi-Animator Projects), I've managed to improve a small bit!
  1. NightRaven
    Thanks ^^ I have a new one on the way!
    Apr 16, 2016
  2. Twilight Nova
    Twilight Nova
    Nice drawing Raven!
    Apr 16, 2016