Let's Talk about Styles

by ScribbleSplash

Let's Chat.png
ScribbleSplash Recently, I have recieved comments about the simpler style that I switched over to for my comments. I am taking the critisism, and I realized I should have probably consulted you guys about the switch, which I am doing now. I am asking you all: Would you rather me use my complicated style or simple style? Before you make your decision, let me list for you the pros and cons of each style.

Pros of Complicated Style

  • Looks nice and polished
  • Has a nicer shading style
  • Can be drawn with more complicated poses and expressions
Now, let me list out the cons of the complicated style.
  • Takes a long type to draw, so slower comic updates
  • Takes up lots of space, so shorter comic updates
Now, let's list the simple style pros.
  • Takes less time to draw, so frequent comic updates
  • Is easier to draw
  • takes up less space
Now, let's list the cons of this simple style.

  • Does not look as nice and polished
  • No shading
  • less dynamic poses
Please tell me which style you would rather have me do. Thanks ♥
  1. Coliboom
    I normally just go for the one that has less cons, so the complicated style would be pretty cool. I do like the simple style though, it kind of has a chibi vibe to it
    Jun 26, 2017
  2. BLOO Muffin
    BLOO Muffin
    I was gonna say the simple style but a bunch of people are picking complicated. I totally agree with @parisbuffet 's comment. Quality over quantity. I think that's the reason why so many great artists on this site take long to upload an art. They take their time.
    Jun 24, 2017
    parisbuffet likes this.
  3. project07
    Dude, do whatever you feel is right. Like, don't let us make decisions for you. Honestly, don't feel obligated to go faster, or slower for your fans. You should be doing whatever makes you happy. However, for a comic? Something simple that you're able to do dynamic poses with would be ideal, but that's my opinion.
    Jun 24, 2017
    parisbuffet likes this.
  4. Vocaloid Emblem
    Vocaloid Emblem
    The simple one! I want comic updates quickly! Of course, still take your time to make it look good though!
    Jun 23, 2017
  5. Cloudswift
    I personally prefer the complicated style. I like the dynamic poses and such, plus there's just something about the simpler style that just seems...off. In the long run, it's up to you. Is it more enjoyable to draw in the complicated style or the simpler style? Don't force yourself to do something you hate just for the enjoyment of everyone else.
    Jun 23, 2017
    TooBlue12 likes this.
  6. The Snom Prince
    The Snom Prince
    I prefer complicated sure it takes longer but it's best to always have the well best for your art
    Jun 22, 2017
    TooBlue12 likes this.
  7. SS-I Never
    SS-I Never
    I much rather prefer the complicated style.
    Just like you, I want to make my own comics, and post them on the inter-webs :3, but if you want people to be interested in your comics, a good thing to do is make the comic visually appealing. The complicated style, like you mentioned in your post, shows of more emotions to your characters, and that makes it easier for the reader to understand what their emotion actually is.
    And just like @parisbuffet mentioned quality is much better than quantity.
    Jun 22, 2017
    TooBlue12 and parisbuffet like this.
  8. parisbuffet
    A big thing in the art community is quality > quantity, so putting more effort in things like composition, originality, attention to the character, anatomy, impact, and etc is a lot more valuable than producing as much work as often as possible. This'll give you plenty of practice, sure, but i can guarantee pouring more time and effort into one work will turn out much more rewarding.

    Rambling aside, stick to the complicated style and learn more from there. ;)
    Jun 21, 2017