Leave it Alone Jyo

by Firox

Leaves It Alone Jyo.jpg
Firox as Jyo, strong dislike (you can say 'hated') of all bugs, so when I see one near the Vees, I'll try to swat it out of the way
(on Deviant Art, my 1st person sona, OC, is jyo the Espeon)

The two Vee kits more interested in learning about it, and even find it cute
of course ? has to be there to giggle and laugh at my silliness

myself: "get outta here buggy!! will slap you out of the sky"
? "silly Jyo"
Mia "leave it alone Jyo, it did nothing to you"
Leah "its cute looking, it wants to play with us"
Masquerain "what did I do to you, weird Espeon" - I'm sure all of us would want to say the same, but to be respectful to the younger ones, doesn't say it, really wants to say "w.t.h. is wrong with you, stupid cat" - I would deserve it too, trying to swat away an innocent Pokemon
~Rinko~ and Willow Tree like this.