Kyoko Sakura

by Starfall

Starfall Hello! This is Kyoko Sakura from Madoka Magica, requested by @Iceblossom. I hope you like it! You can use it as your signature, prophile pic, or anything you want! Also, this is meant to represent Kyoko's regret and guilt after Sakaya died. (Notice Sakaya's sword)
  1. Enderwomanz
    Why so sad..? When you cry, I cry.. *crys* ;_;
    Mar 21, 2016
  2. Iceblossom
    Mar 20, 2016
    Starfall likes this.
  3. Starfall
    The hands are horrid XD. When I was younger I used to just draw circles 8)
    Mar 20, 2016
  4. Iceblossom
    @Starfall I've been drawing for years and I must say, it's always the hands T_T
    Mar 20, 2016
  5. Starfall
    No prob! I had a lot of fun doing it! I kept on messing up Kyoko's hand, so I have like 6 crumpled up peices of paper XD
    Mar 20, 2016
  6. Iceblossom
    @Starfall THIS IS AMAZING! I still remember this part in the show, so many feels! Thank you so much Star, I love it. ♥ ♥
    Mar 20, 2016