Kuro (AKA Male Pokemon Trainer OC)

by TinaThePokemonTrainer

TinaThePokemonTrainer This is KUROO! :D I'll leave the bio down here, just because I can, and I'm bored... Pink means female Pkmn, Blue means male pkmn

Name: Kuro
Gneder: Male
Age: 17
Likes: Chocolate, videogames, Pokémon
Dislikes: Evil organizations (sorry for the misspellings), Pokémon bruisers
Personality: Nice, cheerful, hyperactive and sometimes can be lazy, but not always
Pokémon Team: Blaziken (Blaze), Mismagius (Magician), Houndoom (Doom), Lapras (Waterdragon), Luxray (Spark) and Sylveon (Fairy Cat)
Crush: None
Friends: Christopher (another of my oc's)
Enemies: Akane (
Anoother oc)
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite color: Light Blue

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