Kanto Journey: Kanto Journey Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies

by Hotshot14380

Hotshot14380 Chapter 3 of Kanto Journey is here! In this series, Zack, a character I use often, is on his very first journey. The journey that sets him off to traveling all the regions, and becoming a true pokemon master.
After healing, loving, and training up Quake, he was almost as well trained as Torch. In the midst of training however, as he was heading back towards Viridian, to enter the Viridian forest, Gyro decided to pay him a visit.
"Well well well, looks like I caught myself a nooby trainer!" Gyro teased.
"What do you want Gyro? I'm kind of trying to get to the next town here," Zack rushed.
'All I want is a battle, to prove that I am clearly superior to you, now go! Mono!" Gyro explained, throwing out a metapod.
"Fine then, but let's make this quick, I don't have all day, Go Quake!" Zack said, irritated, as he threw out his pokemon. Quake landed on the ground, and let out a roar.
"Ok Quake let's make this quick. Nail it with a double kick!" Zack instructed, and Quake swiftly closed the gap between metapod and itself, jumped into the air, and launched a really powerful kick to the metapods face followed by another. The metapod barely was able to get up, but still managed to hold his ground.
"Not bad, but we can do better! Our secret weapon! Use Harden!" Gyro announced with confidence. Immediately, Mono was glossed in silver, and then it faded. Zack was expecting something more from a "secret weapon" but he wasn't complaining.
"One more time Quake! Use double kick!" Zack ordered, and almost identical to the last time, fired in two kicks to the metapod. It went down, and didn't get back up this time. Gyro returned Mono, and sent out Blossom.
"Alright Blossom! Use vine whip!" Gyro commanded. Quake was then quickly lashed at with green vines. Quake's legs shook, trying to get back up, which it managed to do.
"Ok use peck, Quake!" Zack said, as Quake charged with hit's horn right into Blossom. It cried with pain, and fell over, but struggled to stand again.
"Come back Quake, you did well, now go! Torch!" Zack quickly instructed, throwing out Torch.
"Ok, now use ember!" Zack required, and Torch shot a blaze of ember at Blossom.
"Quickly Blossom! Counter with vine whip!" Gyro tried, but failed to counter. Instead of stopping the ember, it simply caused more damage. Blossom went down, and Gyro lost.
"Curse you! I will have my revenge, one day, one day..." Gyro mumbled, then stormed off muttering to himself. Zack proceeded back to the center, healed his mons, and entered the great Viridian Forest. Zack rushed in full of energy, ready to meet new pokemon, new people, and find new experiences. Zack flew through the forest with ease, defeating trainers and meeting new pokemon. As Zack turned a corner, he could see the tops of buildings in the distance.
"We made it guys! Look! There is Pewter city! It's not to far away so let's get moving!" Zack cheered to his pokemon. Just as he started running down the path, someone behind him shouted,
"Wait up Zack! You're too fast for me!" Hazel complained, finally catching up to Zack. She took a few moments to catch her breath, and so did Bubbles, having to waddle his shell off to catch up.
"Anyway, Zack, before we head into Pewter, I wanted to have a battle. I figured it wasn't fair to ask earlier, because I had the clear advantage. But since then, I'd presume you caught at least one new pokemon? So the odds are even," Hazel explained, with a look in her eyes that said, please say yes.
"Well, I have no choice but to accept, so let's do this. I choose you! Go Quake!" Zack accepted, throwing out his purple buddy.
"Happy to hear it, now let's show em' Volt!" Hazel approved, throwing out a new pikachu. Zack was surprised that Hazel was able to find a pikachu, he'd heard they were rare.
"Alright let's start this off Volt! Use quick attack!" Hazel ordered. Volt took off like a bullet, and Quake had no time to react, getting smacked backwards. Quake shook it off decently, and got back up again.
"Use double kick quickly, while he's close! Then follow up with a peck from the air!" Zack rushed. Normally, Volt would easily dodge the attack, but from this close range, nothing could escape. It jumped up into the air, nailed the pikachu with it's powerful legs, and while falling back down to earth, used gravity as an advantage by using a peck from above. The pikachu was able to withstand the powerful attack, but buckled under the strength of the sky peck. Hazel returned Volt, and sent out a mankey.
"Alright sockem! Karate chop!" Hazel said determined, and sockem landed a direct blow on Quake's head, knocking him to the ground for good. Zack returned Quake, and threw out Torch.
"Damn, now I'm gonna struggle with Bubbles..." Zack muttered to himself, "Use ember, and quickly follow it up by a double scratch!" Zack commanded, and in perfect and swift form, charmander fired a blazing ember at sockem, and charged the Mankey, hitting it twice with scratch. There was to many attacks at once and sockem couldn't handle it, put it still managed to get up, barely. Then it fell again, and didn't get up.
"What? Why did he go down?" Hazel asked clueless.
"Well, what you missed was Quake's great little trick, poison point. It poisons the opponent when a pokemon uses a physical attack on Quake," Zack described. Hazel laughed.
"You truly are clever Zack Hunter, me and you are going to go far on our journey. But that's in the future, this battle is now! Go, use bubble, Bubbles!" Hazel said, laughing at her command, "use bubble, Bubbles, funny" She repeated. Bubbles fired off a giant gleaming bubble heading straight for Torch.
"Torch, pop it with scratch! Then use smoke screen!" Zack planned. Per instructions, Torch charged forward and slashed at the bubble, popping it. Once Torch landed on the ground, he released black smoke across the field.
"Nice try, Bubbles, clear it with water gun!" Hazel cleverly instructed. Bubbles fired a stream of constant water like a fire hose at the smoke, clearing it instantly. However, Bubbles was too late finding where Torch went.
"Now! Slide under double scratch combo!" Zack told Torch, and Torch slide under the tiny turtle pokemon from behind, scratching it twice where it had no armor, both landed strong, and Bubbles went down, but not for the count. It struggled, but got up.
"Water gun!" Hazel shouted, and Torch got blasted by a powerful stream of water, causing steam to rise around him.
"No! Torch! No..." Zack worried. As soon as Zack began to loose hope, the steam began to glow a bright blinding blue, and suddenly the steam dispersed, and from it came a charmeleon!
"T-Torch? You evolved!" Zack exclaimed happily, and then, the newly evolved Torch, realised a powerful super blast of white and red energy at the helpless Bubbles, and it was instantly defeated. Hazel returned Bubbles and simply stood in shock.
"I-I can't believe it! How could your charmander take that much water, and still manage to release that much power?! And Learn Dragon Rage?!??!!" Hazel asked completely dumbfounded. Zack ran up to Torch and hugged him with happiness,
"You don't stop impressing me partner," Zack told his partner completely baffled by his strength. CHHAARRRMMELEON!!!! Torch let out in victory. Zack then returned him, and told Hazel,
"It all depends on how much your pokemon cares for you, you care for your pokemon, and how much it will go through to succeed," Zack told Hazel proudly. Hazel paid fairly, and the two decided to walk the rest of the way to Pewter together. On the way, Zack definitely was able to highlight in his book, who was a friend, and who was an enemy.
  1. Hotshot14380
    Hope you guys enjoy Chapter 3, there are 2 battles in one chapter this time, and Zack makes deeper connections, and again, hope guys enjoy!
    Jun 12, 2017