Journey In Sinnoh: Journey In Sinnoh (Chapter 3)

by YoungBeedrill

YoungBeedrill Adeline is getting her new pokemon at the lab, what will she choose?
Adeline was surprised if Brad could make Poke puffs "Wow Brad can you cook?" Brad nodded and smiled "Yeah I can cook, especially poke puffs. Let's go to the lab now." Adeline and Brad walked to the lab "Wow this lab is quite big," said Brad "Adeline look at the Professor let's go there!" Brad and Adeline move towards the Professor to get his first pokemon in Sinnoh. "Hello my name is Professor Rowan. You came here to get the first pokemon in Sinnoh, right?" Brad and Adeline nodded. "Well choose from these three pokemon." Brad chose first. "I want Piplup." Professor Rowan smiled. "That's a good choice for you, and you?" Adeline chose Chimchar as her Pokemon. "Can I choose Chimcar?" Professor Rowan nodded. "Good choice." Professor Rowan gave a Pokeball as well as a Pokédex "Keep this carefully." They both nodded "Fine Professor."