Jasper's team: Jasper and Ria

by Silvally

Jasper and Ria.jpg
Silvally Jasper with one of her most loyal Pokemon Ria the Lucario due to jasper being the first person Ria saw after hatching she believes jasper to be her mother and never really grows out of that belief. there strong bond she can turn in to a super strong Mega Lucario. Ria often stays out of her pokeball along with Zelgadis
  1. Silvally
    @Super Nova Ria's mother is sadly dead Jasper was entrusted with the egg just before the mother died so jasper lets Ria believe that she's her mother
    Mar 21, 2018
    Super Nova likes this.
  2. Peachy Ace
    Peachy Ace
    D'aww, thatst sweet, but won't Ria find out eventually who her actual mother is?
    Mar 20, 2018