Bismuth 2V-1537-fasset 12: "I bismuth",Entry #1

by DartrixTheIntrovert

DartrixTheIntrovert Bismuth 2v-1537-fasset 12, know's that he didn't come out of the depths of homeworld wrong. He knows it.
When I popped out of the crust on homeworld they all said I came out wrong. My voice was lower, my hair shorter. I was smaller and thinner and strange. They still argue if I came out like a runt or not. I say not. I was thinner than bismuth's are supposed to be. They're big and bulky, like a quartz, but I'm more thin, like a lapis, or even a pearl. Bismuth's are made to build. They lift big heavy bricks and build. I can still lift big heavy things despite my size. But I wasn't meant to build. I'm more of an architect. I'm great at it, that's what my diamond sees in me. I'm an architect, an artist, sculpture. I didn't come out wrong.
Bismuth 2v-1537-fasset 12
Entry #1