How my love for dark types started

by Dark gym leader Emilee

Dark gym leader Emilee Everyone has a fave type. Well I mean not everyone. U know what I mean…
One day I was playing Pokémon X. I wasn't a noob at this time. I had a bunnelby never used it I think it was at maybe lvl 14 idk…and it probably evolved too lol. I also had a lunatone I loved the look of my lunatone and it instantly reminded me of a dark type…but everyone knows lunatone isn't a dark type it's a rock and physic. So I decided to search for dark types on the internet and I did. I looked on images and I immediately fell in love. Absol here weevil there put a few darkrais there. Splendid, beautiful, marvelous.
I continued to play Pokémon X and I soon enoucountered a absol…all my great balls gone most hope lost till one pokeball catches it! I used absol in ALL my battles gave it tons of attention thx to Pokémon amie. My absol was really strong and soon my whole team was made up of dark types, and that's my story of how I grew to LOVE dark types…