custom trainers: for iwata

by glavechio

Imported piskel (6).png
glavechio the late Mr.Iwata company director of nintendo of japan who died recently... iwata was the one who made me love video games and the one who made me want to make games myself. i always hoped i'd meet him one day but sadly that will not happen... iwata was a great man to me and i will always look up to him. i hope to walk in his footsteps and work with nintendo as well... please all pokemon fans who are nice enough to read this, name your favorite pokemon iwata just for today to honor his name and the games he made for us. iwata if you can somehow see this i hope to be like you one day. you were such a huge part of my childhood and you always will be.
  1. Ristopher
    Rest in peace iwata
    Jul 13, 2015
  2. Pika7771
    nintendo should say something about that in ther next video and have a special about him and how much he has done for everyone
    Jul 13, 2015
  3. Pika7771
    It is really sad that he died he was such a nice guy :(
    Jul 13, 2015
  4. Jhan Garc
    Jhan Garc


    Jul 13, 2015