Floating Mew GIF

by KittehKatPoodums

Floating Mew GIF.gif
KittehKatPoodums I was practicing line less art and animation. I think it came out well. (I'm very proud of the eyes)
  1. KittehKatPoodums
    Haha! Thank you!:blush:
    Sep 4, 2020
  2. RenzFlintrock
    I agree with @Night’s Shadow , you did a reallu good job!
    Sep 4, 2020
    KittehKatPoodums likes this.
  3. =Nightshade=
    You SHOULD be proud of the eyes! They’re so cute!
    Sep 4, 2020
  4. KittehKatPoodums
    Thank you, I like to try multiple art styles out of curiosity and for the fun of it!
    Sep 3, 2020
  5. Willow Tree
    Willow Tree
    The fact that you try out different art styles and drawing ideas is amazing!
    Sep 3, 2020