[Fakemon] Bug Eeveelution - Beeon

by Garden

Garden Beeon: The Pollination Pokemon
Collects pollen while walking with the dark brown fur on it's body.

Wanted to try my hand at both; emulating the iconic Pokemon style (Think I did ok...maybe close to the Sinnoh look) and designing a Fakemon.

Imagined Stats:
HP: 65
Atk: 95
Def: 130
Sp.Atk: 65
Sp.Def: 110
Spd: 60

Possible Abilities:
Swarm - Powers up bug-type moves when the Pokemon is in trouble
Rattled - Dark-, Ghost-, and Bug-type moves scare the Pokemon and boost its Speed stat.
TooBlue12, ~Rinko~, Loyaldis and 4 others like this.
  1. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu
    "Sinnoh look" ? Nah fam, this thing straight up came from Australia.

    Nice coloring, beautiful design 10 outta 10
    Feb 24, 2019
    PrincessPika and Garden like this.