Facts you didn't know about Koichi from A Mediocre My Hero Series (MMHS)

by Ariados twice

Ariados twice
1. Koichi's Quirk, appearance, and hero outfit are all inspired by Shippo from Inuyasha.
2. He relied on illusions a lot more when he was younger.
3. He is named after Koichi from Digimon Frontier.
4. Koichi is kind of short for his age, though sometimes he uses that to his advantage.
5. His nicknames in the past have included Fuzzball, Fox Tail, and Elven Ears.
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  1. Ariados twice
    Ariados twice
    Jun 20, 2019
  2. Ariados twice
    Ariados twice
    Jun 20, 2019
    PrincessPika and Midnight Heart like this.