Eevee Evolutions: Ultimate Battle Part 1

by VixenBlaze

(Atop the peak of spirits, Zapdos, Moltres, and Articono have been talking about important manners)
Moltres: As you know, there have been many arguments about which Eevee Evolution is the best.
Zapdos: Does it matter?
Articono: Of course it matters.
Zapdos: Why?
Articono: Because no one can decide on which one is the best.
Zapdos: This has been a problem for millions of years. Why are you just bringing it up now? This is how it has always been.
Moltres: Perhaps it is time for times to change.
Articono: Are you sure this is wise?
Moltres: What could go wrong.
Zapdos: Anything. Literally, anything.
Articono: I still believe this is a bad idea.
Moltres: Okay, we'll vote. Who wants an Eeveelolution battle?
(Molters and Zapdos both say, "I!")
Moltres: All right, it's settled.
Articono: Ah, well. Lets prepare.
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