Digimon World 3: A.O.A. Trooper

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon One of many front line soldiers working under the A.O.A's employ. These soldiers work together to wage large scale attacks against Tamer cities, entire servers, and some believe are aiming to one day siege the globe. While tamers have Digimon they have befriended and train, The A.O.A. Have constructed and stolen Digimon and gear them for warfare, often upgrading weaker Digimon to be more fitting for full scale conflict. There are even instances of them wiping out and entire server filled with tamers and repurposing their Digimon to become the mainstay of their army.

If you think your safe when they do not have Digimon out, think again. They can just as easily regress any target they fire at into nothing more than a pile of junk data upon contact, and are more than willing to use it! Ouch!