Digimon World 2- Meet the Cast 2

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Time to meet the villains! These three are all members of the organization known as the Blood Knights, a Guard Team pursuing eternity and an evolution for the human species, however unwilling the other factions are to accept this.

Commander Damien(Left)- An eccentric egotist, Damien often cares little on raising his Digimon team and rather indulge himself in the fruits of his grunts. He is known only to battle seriously when cornered with no escape. Often he is known for bringing scum Digimon such as Garbagemon, Sukamon, and Warumonzaemon. However, he keeps an ace up his sleeve in the form of Grandkuwagamon, a mega level Digimon.

Crimson(Center)- Leader and face of the Blood Knights. Crimson is heralded almost in a religious sense by all those under him except Commander Damien, who sees him as a close friend. Crimson is cold, calculating, and cares not for human sentiment. In fact, he seems to distain human beings overall. Seeing that humans should progress further up the food chain similar to how Digimon digivolve, he is constantly searching for a way to become a digital life form himself...

Blood Knight Lieutenant- Commanding officers in the Blood Knights ranks equipped with only the best gear that can be offered. With unwavering loyalty to lord Crimson, they fight with a fiery fervor, willing to do whatever it takes to complete their objective. They are known to have an assortment of high level ultimate digimon such as Phantomon or MetalTyrannomon. Rarely, they may even have a mega.
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