Digimon: Vademon

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Vademon. A space traveling ultimate level digimon that prays on the minds of others. They often barter and trade for wanted items, weather it being liquid bravery, curiosity, or intelligence. But they never take money as payment. It’s must almost always be a section of your mind for trade. Weather it be your joy, love, Peace, happiness, or any other splice of your emotions they decide to take.

Some vile Vademon go an extra mile by stealing these parts of your mind without your consent, before selling them to the highest bidder.
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  1. Shen: King of Digimon
    Shen: King of Digimon

    Hehe dont want to be caught in a back alley with one of these guys
    Oct 23, 2019
    DarkHydraT likes this.
  2. DarkHydraT
    Oooooh boy, Vademon just got a whole lot spookier!
    Oct 23, 2019