Digimon Frontier- Ranamon

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Ranamon is a self centered Gal that has an ego as deep as the ocean she swims. Her beauty earned her a fanclub that adores her every step. While this is her main joy, her primary occupation is as the Spirit of Water, originally devoted to protecting the digital world. However, she has since turned on those ideals to focus more on herself as well as actively fight against the forces of righteousness.

She is an utter Diva, throwing tantrums like a child if she doesn’t get her way or if her beauty is mocked. She will be quick to attack those that get in her way using her signature Drainin’ Rain attack, which causes a downpour of droplets that sap the enemy’s energy right from their bodies. She is also capable of effortlessly bending water to make walls that can take even ultimate attacks without budging!

Her strongest move however is Dark Vapor, which can melt Boulders if they touched the damp air she emits from her mouth. If you find yourself inside of this vapor for any period of time, you’ll be a puddle before you can whistle Dixie!