Digimon: Chaoslord Strikes!

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon Chaoslord/Chaosdramon is a fierce for to be reckoned with. Although his cannons are easily enough to pulverize entire cities in a single volley, he hardly needs to use them to ensure the destruction of his prey.

With Boosters above his legs, he can thrust forward with alarming speed, striking an opponent with his Chaor Crusher Talons.

If he feels particularly sadistic, he will use his secret weapon: The Destroyed Hook. An organic missile coated with red digizoid armor that burrows into a target. Even if it’s a digimon, it converts the digital code into organic material and drills the enemy until they melt into a pile of organic gore.
DarkHydraT likes this.
  1. DarkHydraT
    Allergic to action shots? I wouldn't have guessed that judging by the looks of it, but good to know!
    Jan 9, 2020
  2. Shen: King of Digimon
    Shen: King of Digimon
    @DarkHydraT thank you much! He was a pain to make due to how I am allergic to action shots, but I’m glad you like it haha
    Jan 9, 2020
    DarkHydraT likes this.
  3. DarkHydraT
    Gruesome and violent, I love it! Plus, he looks incredible!
    Jan 9, 2020