Diary of a GYM Leader: Diary of a GYM leader.

by Hecotoro

Hecotoro Chapter 5
December 29, 2018.

The gym has been busy since my return. The local police visits more often and there has been more challengers. Jenny has spent more time here also and the Pokemon are upset about the weather getting colder from one night to another.
The egg has been moving a lot lately. Everyone is all worked up and on alert for it to hatch. Me, I have to prepare for the New Year's carnival. We usually decorate the gym and allow the townsfolk to walk in and visit. We also have an exhibition against the town's strongest trainer. So far Greenday is undefeated and we hope to keep it that way.
Anyways, looks like this 2019 is going to be full of surprises.
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