Dear mom (a homage to all the mothers out there)

by MorganFae

MorganFae This is a poem about all the video game moms I know about enjoy! Oh and first one to guess all of the games mentioned...gets a cookie....
dear mom I know you time was short in the village of tazmillie
So I will take this drago fang and fight across these hilly planes...
I love the b-scotch pie you made...
Let's hope I enjoy it before I go insane...

I know you want me to die...
Lead by that voice high in the sky...

I thank you for letting me go on my journey...
Let's just hope I don't end up scorched by a charmander in a gurney....

I want to thank you mom for all you've done...
Even though my sorrow has only just begun....
Leeon and TooBlue12 like this.
  1. MorganFae
    Red is Binding of Issac, Black is Mother 3 (lucas), purple is undertale (frisk/chara) and you get a muffin for getting the pokemon right!
    Jan 14, 2019
  2. Leeon
    The only one I know is the Pokémon one.. I gets no cookie:'|
    Jan 14, 2019
  3. MorganFae
    Yeah it's frisk....
    Mar 24, 2016
  4. EspeonTheBest
    I only know the purple text. Frisk/Chara right? Oh...Undertale has ruined me.
    Mar 24, 2016
    Trevor the dragon likes this.