Brain Screams: Dear Gary

by The Quiet Zubat

The Quiet Zubat To those smug trainers that just have to let you know how awful you are...
Dear Gary,

Yes, I occasionally forget the subtle points of the type effectiveness chart. No, I don't know EVs and IVs like the back of my hand. Yes, I will fight to the last HP point. No, I will not forfeit even if you're "clearly toying with me." Yes, I will fall for your taunts. No, I didn't check your ability before that ineffective attack.

I will learn through every tough loss and every absolute demolishing. I will discover my strengths and weaknesses with every style. I will keep loving pokemon, keep learning the game, keep trying to get better. One day, I will no longer be ridiculed as a "noob." One day, I will role play like I know what I'm talking about. One day...I'll figure this out.

Your friend,
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