Dark Days:A Pokémon Story: Dark Days: Chapter 1 part 2

by Hydreigonborn

Hydreigonborn Nickname: Jack
Species: Gengar
Personaility: Jokster kind of guy, likes to mess with people
Moves: Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Shadow Ball, Giga Drain
Likes: Jokes, Ghost Types, and Pizza (cuz why not)
Dislikes: Alola (because of the ability Gengar has now), and Psychic Types

This is the story of Jack, the prankster.
Jack was in Celadon city, blissfully playing pranks on people, when the accident happened.

He felt a sharp pain and was trasnformed into the pinkish, disgusting Gijinka he was today. Jack screamed in agony as he realized what had happened. He felt different in his new body. And he didn't like it. Jack used his shadow abilities to teleport through the street.

Jack saw the other Pokémon of the city embracing their new forms. Sevaral Gijinka were weaping for the lose of their trainers. Jack played various trick on the weaping Gijinka. Such as disguising hinself as their lost loved ones. A Gijinka who was crying slapped him in face during his cruel jokes saying," Your a monster, you deserve to be in the same place as the person who did this, Hell" Jack was hurt by this and decided to leave Celadon City.

Jack snuck away again out to a nearby route and snickered. The twilight made him feel sinister, A figure appeared before him out of one of the gashes that consumed the humans. A Gijinka with white hair and a black and red cloak appeared before him. The man smiled at Jack and tendril ripped it's way out of the gash. Jack stood Wide-mouthed in front of the Gijinka. The gijinka smiled and stated," Your my servant now." The tendril ripped it's way into Jack's mouth. Jack felt a writhing pain holding his jaw open.

Jack felt his memories slippening away. He felt everything he ever knew stripped from him. He dropped to his knees and bowed to the Gijinka and said, crossing his fingers behind his back," At your service, Master Darkrai."