Danganronpa- Hero Robot Mark Guyver

by Shen: King of Digimon

Shen: King of Digimon A powerful mech used by the warriors of hope, Guyver plays the role of the ‘Hero’, piloted by Masaru Daimon. Just like it’s controller, this robot is quick to strike and isn’t shy about it either. It will quickly drill apart dozens of foes, bathing the battlefield in the blood of it’s victims. All of this in the name of it’s pilot’s ideals.

....5. 5 hours. That’s how long this took @.@
  1. Shen: King of Digimon
    Shen: King of Digimon

    ...Don’t...Don’t even joke about that XD

    I still have nightmares from drawing this one.
    Oct 31, 2020
    Psymallard and Nukas like this.
  2. Nukas
    So, you excited to spend 25 hours on the other 4 robots (I’m allotting 10 hours for Monaca’s bot lol)
    Oct 31, 2020
  3. Shen: King of Digimon
    Jul 4, 2020
  4. Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    I'd say those hours paid off.
    Jul 4, 2020