Requests -2019-: Damian

by Midnight Heart

Midnight Heart @Red Gallade Here ya go! Not too satisfied with how he turned out, I couldn't get the coat a shade of red that looked nice and matched his eyes, and I couldn't get his blue streak in his hair where I wanted it... Anyways, you're free to change him if you'd like :) Sorry I couldn't do a better job...
  1. Midnight Heart
    Midnight Heart
    @SwiftSwoobat Just start a convo with me or post on my profile and tell me what you'd like for me to draw for you :) Note that there's certain characters I can't draw, such as furries/anthropomorphic animals, robots/characters with robotic limbs, or characters with very complex designs, or characters with inappropriate designs/clothing.
    Oct 8, 2019
  2. XanthousXatu
    I don't mean to bother you or anything, but how can I request an art for you? It looks stellar and generally outstanding from the rest and I'm curious.
    Oct 8, 2019
    Midnight Heart likes this.
  3. Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    What are you talking about? I think you did a great job with it. :)
    Oct 7, 2019