My OCs: Cryptem

by Midnight Heart

Midnight Heart Here's the last member of the Corrupted Quartet, Cryptem! ...To be honest, he's my least favorite of the four. He kinda looks like a human version of Shining Armor from My Little Pony. He's also supposed to be a jerk who thinks he's better than everyone else. I still haven't decided on how his and Puzzly's soul stealing powers will work, but for now I guess I'll just say his power works the same as Mysteria's, meaning he can steal the souls of whoever he can make fall in love with him.

Also, this isn't important, but the names of the Corrupted Quartet came from somewhat random words that I thought could kinda tie in together. (Though Trivvy admittedly doesn't fit this theme very well, but they were the first one I designed, and I hadn't even thought of the others yet, so I suppose it can be excused)
Mysteria = Mystery (I originally was going to call her Mystia instead, but Mysteria had a better ring to it)
Trivvy = Trivia
Puzzly = Puzzle
Cryptem = Cryptid (I originally planned to name him Curtis, because the first word that came to mind when trying to figure out a name for him was Curious, but then I thought of Cryptem, and it sounded cooler)