The Story that Truly Happened: Chapter 3: Framed

by Imperfect World

Imperfect World After helping chase down a girl, Talli thinks about how she could've helped hunt an innocent person. But this person isn't so innocent.
Talli turned around to see the worst sight ever. The girl and her polar bear dog were leaving, as Talli was the one, who was soon wrapped in metal wires. Talli was just about to bend them away, when she remembered she had sworn to only bend air in Republic City.

"Let me go! I'm innocent!" Talli proclaimed, struggling against the grip of the wires.

The brunette turned around, holding an 'L' on her head, before dashing away. All Talli could do was glare ahead. Then she sighed, her head hung over, feeling pity for herself, that she was dumb enough to follow the danger. The wires pulled her into the main room of the police station building, and when she stepped forward, into the nice, air conditioned room, she was blinded, by a bunch of camera flashes. The room was large, and all for Talli's liking, until she was shoved in a cramped, musty, old room. She was pushed into a rickety old chair, next to a metal desk, as Chief, Lin Beifong, sat on the other end. Talli adored her, and was a huge fan, but the large frown on the chief's face, told Talli this was no time to ask for autographs.

"Why. Why would you think it be smart to go along and water bend a bunch of thieves, causing wreckage to a whole street of Republic City?!" Lin shouted.

Talli's jaw dropped. So that's what the teenager and her polar bear dog were doing! Talli was shocked that this person put the blame on her. Then again, the cops didn't notice Talli trying to help, and she did look like the girl, just hair color, and lighter skin were different. Talli still had to wonder how on earth they believed the brunette instead of Talli.

"I did nothing! It was the brunette, with polar bear dog, I swear!" Talli confessed, sweating with anticipation.

The moment Lin Beifong opened her mouth, the door flung open, and Talli had never been so relieved to see what she saw. Tenzin was standing in the doorway, with something crumpled in his hand.

"I'm sorry, Lin, but she needs to come back to Air Temple island for training." Tenzin interrupted.

"No way, do you know what she di-" Lin started, before being stopped by Tenzin's glare.

Tenzin motioned for Talli, who's wire binds were removed by Lin. Talli followed, baffled at how he knew she was there.

"How exactly did you know I was there?" Talli asked Tenzin.

Tenzin said no words, but smoothed out his crumpled object from before, and held it up, aggravation on his face. It was a wrinkled newspaper, and Talli gasped at what was on the front cover. "Girl wrecks Republic City" was in big bold letters, Talli's face on the cover.

"I swear I didn't do anything!" Talli shouted.

"Explain that to your parents." Tenzin said harshly, as he boarded a flying bison, and they rode to Air Temple Island.

A/N: Once again, this was short, but I PROMISE next chapter will be longer.