Pokegue: Boo Bitch: Post Mortem

by ShogunZoro

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ShogunZoro Failure is the result of one’s hubris and ability to not be able to understand the severity of their situation. A way to lead to failure is to follow the lead of others than yourself but the byproduct of leading yourself is the growth of ego and pessimism which ultimately also leads to failure. Mistaken ambition is the goal of failure, it is what grips the human mind to move forward without hesitation or fear of retaliation. I’m extending Boo Bitch to November.

Welcome, “Boo Bitch: Post Mortem”

Going trick r' treating, or rather went trick r' treating. Sucks how this year ended up, but hey. We got ourselves a dark room, maybe food and maybe some friends to duel it out on some videa games. We can only enjoy ourselves to the fullest as we sit and wait. John and his pals went trick or treating alright, though there is no Halloween in France but november first is always All Saints' Day. Live it up with friends and family some how. Here is Pokegue: Bo Bitch post mortem.
  1. ShogunZoro
    I use Firealpaca, without a sketch it just takes about a hour or three.
    Nov 13, 2020
    ☆ JakeOS ☆ likes this.
  2. jakeorsmtn
    how long does it take for you to do these? also, what do you use to draw them?
    Nov 13, 2020
    ShogunZoro likes this.