Aura Goes To Art Academy: Bonus Boss

by Aura

Aura This game has a real hard on for Mewtwo (and Charizard), seeing as you draw it multiple times in the lessons and there's a bonus sketch of it too. It is kind of fun to draw though with all the lighting effects and all.
  1. sSoul
    @Psycho Monkey
    But if I were there I would take my over leveled mega Venusaur and capture the specimen before it can destroy me.
    Aug 4, 2018
    PrincessPika likes this.
  2. Psycho Monkey
    Psycho Monkey
    Or if you speak Japanese, Myuutsu.

    This fine specimen looks like it was just chillin in Cerulean Cave when some uppity 10-year-old wandered in with their over-leveled Charizard so Mewtwo had to get up, power up, and kick their ass back out of the cave because, like most dumbass 10-year-olds, this kid squandered their Master Ball on something insignificant.
    Jul 31, 2018
    SoulDemon and Aura like this.
  3. Aura
    Jul 31, 2018
    PrincessPika and UniverSoul like this.
  4. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu
    MuuToo or Muu2 ? or is it MooTuu or Moo2 ? ehh I forgot
    Jul 31, 2018
    PrincessPika, UniverSoul and Aura like this.