Top5: Best and Worst Characters in Pokecharms Works

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 Yep! I'm doing another one, just like I promised!
(Slider - Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games)
Hey, remember Top5 Darkest Moments in Pokecharms Works?
Welp, here I am again.
And this time, we're looking at characters!
Characters are mostly what makes a story great. If you can't have relatable or likable characters, what motivation would people have to read your story?
Today, I'll be going over the Top5 Characters Done Right in Pokecharms Works.
Same rules as last time.
And...hoo boy, I'm doing a worst list.
I want you to know, if you get on the worst list, there is nothing personal.
There's just room for improvement in your characters, there's nothing bad about them.
And just to be sure, this list is in no particular order.
And at the end of the worst numbers, I'll give an explanation on how to improve the characters.

Fifth Best
Max - Adventures in Alola
Yeah, this series again.
You can probably expect me to rant about this series all the time, because I, along with many other people, think of it as a Pokecharms classic.
Okay, maybe not.
We have Tales of the Ender Eye for that.
@AOBA DAH WEAVILE made the stereotype teenage boy looking for adventure, but SOMEHOW made him relatable.
Max is a Litten with no known parents and acts as the leader of his group.
Which is a crap ton of Pokemon.
And he introduces them all.
He also likes battling a lot, however, he almost lost to Treecko, who's a Grass-Type...
And Fire-Types beat Grass-Types, and Max is a Fire-Type...
anyway, back when AIA was a thing, people are constantly talking about Max in the comments.
Whether it be ships, sympathy, or some other factor.
Not to mention his best friend is a Rockruff.

Fifth Worst
Glacier - Unova Lifestyle: Plasma Affair
@UnovaTrainerGlacier put himself in his story.
That's already...bad.
When a user puts him or herself in a story, it makes it seem like they were the ones going through all the stuff you see in the stories.
And to add to that...come on, guys, let's face it...he's a Mary Sue.
His dad is Alder, he has a Zorua, he wins almost every battle, so on.
Let me start by saying this:
He did a really good job not making an Ash clone.
However, with all the treatment he's getting from his Pokemon, it seems like Glacier has no room to grow and will just always win almost every battle.
And he does kind of sport the "chosen one" style.
So my advice?
Don't give him the OC treatment.
The son of Alder? Seriously?
Make him more of an original character.
That way, people will like him more.
Not as the son of Alder, but as a Pokemon Trainer.

Fourth Best
Dr. Robotnik - Sonic Forces: The War Begins
Want more Sonic, Death Battle, Green Arrow, and more rolled into one user?
Look no further than @Eeveechu151.
Eeveechu really nailed the character of Dr. Robotnik.
Sonic Forces takes place in a more serious environment than the other Sonic games, and even though Eggman received that treatment, he still felt not like a serious threat.
However, his edition of Forces Robotnik was really terrifying.
From the very beginning, he forces the mayor of a town to give it up or else one of his friends will be roboticized.
And he only stays like this through the whole story.
Just, good stuff, m8...

Fourth Worst
Hariko - Journeys Beyond
Okay, I promise, this is the last time I'll be using a character from a universe that I mentioned previously.
Hello again @Luke The Riolu, today I'll be critiquing your characters.
This goes for pretty much every character with this stereotype.
For those of you who don't know...
don't you hate it when someone makes a character for the sake of it being a love interest?
Let's take a look at other love interest characters...
Princess Peach. She's...kind of a wuss, but that doesn't mean she's done stuff on her own.
Trinity. Hell yes. Matrix nailed this character.
Lillie. She has way too much depth for a Pokemon game.
How would I improve Hariko?
Make her more of an actual character, and not a trophy for Luke (the character, not the user) to mess around with.
Why didn't I put Luke here because it's another case of putting yourself in the story? Well, he's not a Mary Sue like Glacier is, at least in my eyes.
He's not the son of the most powerful trainer in the region.

Third best
Ruby and Anya - A Magical Trip in Wonderland
Yeah, @TooBlue12!
Remember when this lass made written works?
Me neither!
But she did!
And it was great!
And the description asked for critiquing!
So here I am!
Critiquing something that was asked to be critiqued!
TooBlue could've easily made them Alice clones, BUT she didn't.
Which is enough for me!
And I'm desperately looking for other works to critique because I'm running low on users!
It can't be too hard...

Third worst
Ranger - Minecraft: Story Mode
Hey @Cloudswift!
Remember that time I said I liked your character?!
Like I said, this list is in no particular order.
Which means I don't think Ranger is worse of a character than Glacier or Hariko.
Or I don't think Hariko is worse than Glacier or Ranger.
Or I don't think Glacier is worse of a character than Hariko or Ranger.
But, she is the sister of a major character.
...okay, there's like, two, but it sure seems like she has an army of them!
Like I said, I don't know many users with legit story and characters for me to critique, so I probably wouldn't have put Ranger here if I saw worse characters.
So, my advice for this character?
Just don't do anything stupid.
Like willingly sacrifice herself for--she did that, didn't she?

Second best
Noecalg - Pokeskits
That moment you get so conceited you put your own character as one of the best.
Mewtwo used to have this character's role, until Ho-Oh was added, and the characters started to be given less and less personality.
Until the next wave of characters--Noecalg, Noerbmu, and Mimikyu--were added.
The characters became completely separated.
Leafeon still has a treehouse, Ho-Oh still has Bell Tower, and Mewtwo still has a lab, but they also have a mansion with the stuff their bedrooms don't have.
Noecalg lives on Mt. Coronet with his sister, so he's usually the one to discover exotic happenings first.
Noerbmu lives in Negro Forest, which is made up, so I might change it to Eterna Forest, which is her woman-cave too play Fortnite, as well as eat Doritos and wash it down with some Mountain Dew.
Then Cloud was introduced, along with her JUMP UP KICK BACK WHIP AROUND AND SPIN ringtone.
Her home is in the very edge of Driftveil City.
Anyway, the characters gained more personality, as the episodes go on.
Leafeon is your generic anime protagonist.
Mewtwo is the sidekick that does the smart stuff. Ho-Oh.
As these go on, Mewtwo becomes less of a dumb character, and, spoiler alert, when he died, Noecalg took over the role of the sidekick, except he's...not smart.
And that's what makes him so much of a likable character, he barely has any idea what's going on, but not to the point where he seems annoying.
Yay for me! For making a good character!
And yes, for those of you who know about it, I have kind of neglected Pokeskits, but the next episode is on the way, I promise.

Second worst
Melody - Pokemon Moon
Here I go again!
Looking at ANOTHER artist where I look like an ant compared to them!
And I'm talking shIVER ME TIMBERS about @ScribbleSplash's character!
I'm not sure if this is another "putting yourself in your story" scenario, but there is one case that happens WAY too often...
acting like you're the only one who makes the majority decisions.
I definitely could've worded that wrong.
But to put that in context, let's say you're on the third Guzma fight, on Aether Paradise.
In animations, Guzma is beaten, and the player is usually like "You specialize in Bug-Types? Aren't those the weakest?"
But, if you prtray yourself--and only yourself--saying that, where it's a completely separate character, it makes it seem like you're the only one who can make that quote.
So, advice for this charactcer?
Add a weakness.
Just weakness.
I don't care if it's just one Pokemon, or a really small thing, just ONE weakness.

...okay, I'm going to have to be completely honest.
I have no idea who to put in the first spots.
So...if you see a character that seems to be worthy of taking this list, leave a comment below!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go be lazy!
This is being the Dopest of Leafeon, and I hope you all have a fabulous day!
Leeon, DManArt&RP, Cloudswift and 6 others like this.
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    Aug 22, 2018
    DManArt&RP likes this.
  2. Imperfect World
    Imperfect World
    You could put an old OC of mine for first worst. I wouldn't mind at all! I was eleven when I made her, and she was my first OC, so...she was the worst.

    Her name was Ryan, and she was a self insert.
    She was a fricken MARY SUE.
    She had all the starters, and she won EVERY BATTLE.
    She had a normal family, though.
    She was trying to find Ash because: They met at summer camp and Serena got jealous when Ash kissed Ryan, so she shoved her down well using her care for Pokemon.
    It was sad. My character. Actually, one of my closest friends left the RP because of me, lol. Which is another reason I have low confidence in everything I do! :up:

    Anyways, go ahead and put this on, I don't care. But I would like if you say that I realized my mistake, and that it was my first OC, so people don't start to unfollow, and trash my comments.
    Aug 22, 2018
  3. DManArt&RP
    Ah! The Gordon Ramsay of PokeCharms. Thanks for the heads up, I will keep a mental note for this in my upcoming series!
    Jun 11, 2018
  4. Cloudswift
    Lmao Yeah, Ranger's story was a little cheesy. Don't worry, I'm planning on reworking the story around her. I mean, there's a likely chance that she's still going to die, but I do think the suicide aspect of it is a little bit too much. and @StarrySkys thank you for the video, I wasn't necessarily sad, but it made me laugh. :p
    Jun 1, 2018
  5. Harry Noke
    May 18, 2018
  6. ScribbleSplash
    But honestly I don't think that you should do a "worst" part of the list. I mean, I am not speaking for me, I honestly do not care, but for younger artists, this could really discourage them. It would be better to do like a "critique" list or something like that.
    May 18, 2018 likes this.
  7. ScribbleSplash
    yay im bad
    May 18, 2018
  8. Shiny Blue Gardevoir
    Shiny Blue Gardevoir
    Great analysis! I'd be honoured to be featured in any way in your series!
    May 18, 2018
  9. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu
    @DopeLeafeon470 yeah I know this is harmless I just wanna point things out so there wouldn't be misunderstandings, I didn't mean any insultments or hating but the thing is that you judged her just after 5 pages and an avatar drawing, so I wouldn't see that line you wrote about her really isn't appealing as the others
    May 18, 2018
  10. TooBlue12
    XD I nearly forgot I made a written work too ^^' Only got two chapters out and worked a bit on the third. ><' Also Blue (aka Anya) was basically a self-insert of me. But I am glad you liked what I did write. :)
    May 18, 2018
  11. SweetAndScary
    Also, I'm happy I didn't make it on to this list
    criticism makes me wanna kill someone...
    May 18, 2018
  12. SweetAndScary
    aw, I feel bad for these people, maybe their sad now,
    May 18, 2018
  13. DopeLeafeon470
    @Luke The Riolu I didn't make the worst list to hurt people or tell them that their characters suck, it's because I thought the characters could use improvement. I don't hold any grudges against you or your characters, and this list is not to be taken seriously.


    @SS-I Never :3333333

    @Eeveechu151 :up:
    May 18, 2018
  14. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu
    Oh jeez seriously :/ I kinda like ur idea on making these top5 but I'm not a fan of it for that much since you made this one, literally the story has another case ,more secrets to be revealed in the series of 5 comics, Journeys Beyond was just the first one, like I said every character has a role, Hariko has a role, she's not Luke's trophy, yet I was planning to make a side chapter on Hariko her own but . . . This kinda lowers me down but the show must go on, page 6 comes out today
    May 18, 2018
  15. SaiyanDakon
    Thanks for the advice.
    May 17, 2018
  16. SS-I Never
    SS-I Never
    I got a notification saying that I was tagged, but I don't see my name! Lol

    But it actually makes me really happy that you think my Ender Eye comic could become a classic in Pokecharms! It really means a lot to me!
    May 17, 2018
    Godjacob and Eeveechu151 like this.
  17. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Eggman: Oh, we're only getting started...
    After Green Arrow: Eternal Season 1, I plan to make a sequel story to The War Begins. So look out for more of Eggman as a truly terrifying villain!
    May 17, 2018