Background for Ginga

by Mockingchu

Mockingchu How I came up with Ginga, what the games (if I had the capability to make them) would be called, and different mechanics to these "games".
Before Sun and Moon were even announced, I had wished for a Generation of games based around space. Diamond and Pearl were pretty close, but not quite what I wanted. I had just gone over a unit about space in school, and really, really liked Supernovae (that's a pretty cool pluralization). I'm all like "Hey! There should be a Supernova Pokemon!" So I began thinking about a Nova Fakemon. I came up with names for three games that would probably never come to fruition (but if you're a game dev, shoot me a message!). The names? Pokemon Star, Pokemon Nova, and Pokemon Comet. I know, I know. The Sun is a star, and there's already Pokemon Sun. But this was before they were announced, so get off my back >_<
I began to think up names for the Mascot Legendaries. Celestiala, Novarka, and Cometsus. Then I forgot about it for a while.
A few months had passed, and Sun/Moon hype was in full gear. I loved the new Pokemon, and suddenly found myself hooked on fanmade Pokemon. I saw the different designs (I especially like Smiley-Fakemon's on DeviantArt), and figured "I can do that". So I did. I toiled away into the night, scribbling out Pokemon sounding names in a journal. I decided on typings, and left it alone for a few months yet again.
Sun and Moon were about to be released. I was reading through old stories in my journal, and saw the names for Pokemon. I began to sketch them, and then used my brother's desk to draw/color larger versions of them. He helped with a lot of them. Lilcoon, one of my favorites, was actually drawn by him. After I had drawn them, I began to think of what new mechanics my thought up games could introduce. I came up with something that I thought was brilliant! The way you throw your Pokeball into battle gives a small boost to a stat.
Throwing your Pokeball like a fastball increases speed. Throwing sidearm increases attack. Throwing in an upwards motion (as in, starting from your waist, and moving your hand swiftly upwards) would increase defense.
Also, if you used a ball other than your basic Pokeball to catch a Pokemon, you could discard the one you caught it in, placing the 'Mon in a basic Pokeball. This one was just for me. It really bugs me when all my Pokemon except for one are in basic Pokeballs. To help explain, let's present a scenario:
You just caught Celestiala in a Master Ball, but all of your other Pokemon are in regular Pokeballs. So, you discard the Master Ball, and place Celestiala in a basic Pokeball.
It's not game-changing by any means, but I'd like that.
So yeah. Currently, I'm working on a map of Ginga, but after that, Ginga will be complete, and I can begin an RP.
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