Brain Screams: Backburner Syndrome

by The Quiet Zubat

The Quiet Zubat I'm that friend everyone puts on the backburner.
I told you. I told you the first time we met, my only pet peeve is being ditched without warning. I don't care if you are too tired to make it, that's fine, just let me know. You got invited to do something else, cool have fun, just let me know.

Don't fucking tell me you're going to be back in an hour if you know damn well you're not coming back. Don't tell me your phone was dead, you borrowed my charger all night.

You tell me I treat you so good, thank you I try hard. But I think what you're really saying is, "you shouldn't treat me so well, because I don't plan on treating you half as good, you make me feel guilty."

The fuck am I supposed to do? I don't expect much. I like treating my friends well, just don't ditch me. Don't tell me you're coming to Christmas dinner then spend it with your new boy toy instead. Don't say you'll come visit me on my birthday and never show up but throw your own party instead.

I'll never tell you any of this to your face, and that's probably why I'll stay on your backburner til one day you open the lid and find I've completely boiled away.

Thank you to the few who follow through, I appreciate you guys. Maybe in this new year I'll stand up for myself and confront those who seem to forget about me.
Jodie.xox and E.K.A.N.S. like this.
  1. E.K.A.N.S.
    Didn't think there was anything worse than third wheel syndrome.
    Jan 2, 2019
    The Quiet Zubat likes this.