Aura Goes To Art Academy: Aura Sphere

by Aura

Aura So one of the problems I do have with this game is that the backgrounds are really limited and frequently don't match with what you've drawn and look really out of place. My inital solution to this was to not use backgrounds unless I though what I'd drawn fit with it, but that's super lame so it was around this point where I started making edits to the backgrounds to make them fit better. It's subtle here but it's only going to get more complicated as we go on.
  1. Aura
    @SoulDemon No, I tried to become a Metroid Ball and now I'm stuck. I'm actually dying in here, please send help.
    Aug 1, 2018
    SoulDemon likes this.
  2. Jaceiocon2
    Jul 31, 2018
  3. Jaceiocon2
    Jul 31, 2018
    PrincessPika and Aura like this.
  4. sSoul
    Wait so you got crushed up into a sphere? That's awful, you okay?
    (this is a pun 9n the fact that your name is Aura, in case you couldn't tell)
    Jul 29, 2018
    PrincessPika and Aura like this.
  5. Gripz
    Its beautifull! And hey... The background is beautifull too. Dont worry about that
    Jul 28, 2018
    Aura and SoulDemon like this.
  6. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu

    "this happens like everytime I see freakin Riolu and Lucario art"
    Jul 28, 2018
    Aura and SoulDemon like this.
  7. Hollow Omega
    Hollow Omega
    Very nice! Green seems to work well with Aura Sphere.
    Jul 28, 2018
    PrincessPika, Aura and UniverSoul like this.