MaskMan: Aura sentai MaskMan

by Light MaskMan

Light MaskMan Friday the 13th came a little closer for the MaskMan
Back in space Zone was looking at the black screen "i need a new monster" he thought as his fav movie Friday the 13th came on. "That's it" he said as he walk over to Techtron "i need a new monster" he order Techtron "Yes master Zone" he said as a ball of light appeared and a Jason clone step out of the light "there we go Master Zone" said Techtron as he sent the copy Jason was sent to Earth and crashed into a graveyard. Ben was walking around the graveyard looking for his friend Keven but found a person in one of the grave's "gross oh no i'm about to.." he couldnt finish as he vomit on the grave "nasty" he said as he turn around and kept looking for keven. A hand raise out of the grave and pull itself out to revealed Jason and Keven knock out in the grave and Jason following Ben "Keven is that you" Ben ask before turning around to see Jason "very funny man take that off it's not even friday the 13th" said Ben pulling the mask off to see a deform face behind it "SICK" Ben said as Jason grab him and pulled him off his feet "let go you freak" said Ben as he kick Jason knocking him back. Jason them looked at the graves and nodded to it as the footsolder's crawled out of the graves to attack Ben "today is not my day is it" he said as he fought the masky's taking them down one by one and ran toward's Jason only to be throw back into a headstone "that's it no more Mr good guy" said Ben as a blue light appeared on his wrist "Henshin" he called as he Transform into a blue Warrior "im am Blue Mask" Ben called as he did a pose. Ben pulled out a sword "cool i'll called it the Masky Blade" he said as Jason pulled out his machete to combat Blue Mask they both swing their Blade's to a crash Jason then kicked Blue Mask into a tree and through his machete like a boomerang but Blue Mask kicked it back right into Jason head knocking him back just for Blue Mask to do his finisher Blue Water Triangle Slash. Jason the fell back exploding into a million pieces " yes i did it" Blue Mask said as he transform back "woah weird" he said as he found Keven on a grave Keven Look up to see Ben and had him help him up "man you took forever where have you been" Keven ask waiting for an answer "just taking care of some business". Back in space Zone watch the screen again as it turn black again "DANG IT NOT AGAIN" he yelled as Techtron came to to come Zone down "there there Master Zone we"ll get them soon i promise".....