Ask 1

by Karli

Karli @TooBlue12 asks: "Kitt, when was it you discovered your psychic powers?"

My mother has the same abilities I do, so I knew from a very young age about my powers. If there's one thing that my mother never let me live down it's that when I was a baby I moved everything around the house and she never knew of I did it on purpose or not... she went with yes since I did it so often. I learned how to control my powers by the time I knew how to walk.

Thanks for your question! :)
  1. Karli
    @TooBlue12 Lol, yeah, it would probably be this big back and forth mess with Kitt's dad just looking on... and probably laughing. <.> Also, thank you for your sweet comment and question!
    Feb 20, 2019
    TooBlue12 likes this.
  2. TooBlue12
    Man that would be so cool to have powers like that since you were a kid. Although maybe not so cool for the mother who had to keep her out of trouble and from possibly breaking things lol. But her mother had powers too so that probably made it a bit easier haha.
    Also Karli the picture looks nice! Simple but well done.
    Feb 19, 2019
    Karli likes this.
  3. Vacat1o
    Very nice.
    Feb 19, 2019
    Karli likes this.