Animus Report #1

by Kairo_senki

Kairo_senki A report was written by my old boss after I exited the animus after looking into my ancestor kilo c'aton
Employee # 287
Codename: Kairo Senki
Ancestor name: Kilo C'aton
Ancestor time period: Ancient Egypt
Sequence 1: We had this subject go back to his Egyptian routes. Although Kilo was from Greece, he was raised in Egypt with his mother, after his fathers' death. By the age of 18, he already knew how to climb walls, claiming he taught himself. He was taught how to create hieroglyphs and read both Greek and Egyptian. When he was 20, he and his best friend Zike decided to cause mischief in the marketplace, just for fun. afterwords, we ended the employees' sequence when Kilo sat on top of a town with Zike
After report: Employee has now signs of an after effect. Seems capable of the animus....just like assassins are...
Animus database condition: safe
Abstergo protocol: Safe

May the father of understanding guide us,
Jason Tock