Elemental Spirits: Ani Ureña, Espíritu, and Perro spiritual

by Ariados twice

Name: Ani Ureña
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ani has dark brown hair, light brown skin, and brown eyes. She wears a semi-dressy light magenta short sleeve, black pants, and black and dark gray tennis shoes.
Spirit/s they have: Espíritu, Perro spiritual
Spirit’s Element: Spirit
Spirit or Spirits’ appearance/s: Espíritu: Wears black and brown armor that has the same coloration as a Doberman Pinscher’s body. Her helmet and the armor on her shoulders resemble Doberman Pinscher heads. The Japanese Kanji symbol for Spirit is on her belt and is crimson in color. Perro espiritual: A black wolf like dog half the size of KendoGarurumon with glowing red eyes and crimson armor. The Japanese kanji symbol for spirit is gold in color and is on her chestplate. http://www.romajidesu.com/kanji/䨩
Info about Ani: Moved to her present location from Spain. Can speak both Spanish and American English.
Info about Espíritu: Her name is Spirit in Spanish. The armor on her shoulders each possess sentience, and are able to instantly sense an attack coming from any direction, then report it to Espíritu's central body.
Info about Perro espiritual: Her name is Spirit Dog in Spanish. Is a hellhound spirit.
  1. Ariados twice
    Ariados twice
    Jul 3, 2018
  2. Ariados twice
    Ariados twice
    Feb 5, 2018
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