Angry Spinda, Hoo-boy

by ChocoChipBrownie

ChocoChipBrownie Here’s my Spinda OC, Cheryl. She is grumpy and hates it when people think her kind is always clumsy and hungover. Cheryl also sees herself as a figure of authority sometimes and can boss others around because she thinks she knows what’s best.
I actually quite like what I did with her spots. Every Spinda having a different pattern opens up good design opportunities for me.
  1. ThAtGuY101
    Spinda don't drink right? Clearly they are in constantly teeter dancing right? Hash tag teeter life.
    Apr 16, 2020
  2. =Nightshade=
    Me: scrolls past this for like the fifth time
    Me before: I liked that, right?
    Me today: *actually checks* oh, crap, better like it now, then
    Apr 15, 2020
  3. Bolero
    Go home Spinda girl U're drunk
    Apr 13, 2020
  4. HeyItsPip
    Apr 12, 2020
  5. ChocoChipBrownie
    Apr 12, 2020
    RenzFlintrock likes this.
  6. HeyItsPip
    angrey and sT00pId 2.0?
    Apr 12, 2020
  7. RenzFlintrock
    I actually have Spindaphobia, so... while I really like what you did with the spots....


    *runs away*
    Apr 12, 2020
    ChocoChipBrownie and Gamingfan like this.
  8. ChocoChipBrownie
    @Gamingfan Then she steals the berries and soaks up the tears with them.
    Apr 12, 2020
    RenzFlintrock and Gamingfan like this.
  9. Gamingfan
    Here's the thing, fighting a spinda in hand-to-hand combat sounds terrifying.
    You just never know where they'll punch. She could look like she'll punch you in the chest, but 3 seconds later you're on the floor holding your sacred berries crying, quite literally, a river.
    She'd probably drink the tears, and get drunk on them.
    Apr 12, 2020